After the launching of Challenges & Reality photo book at the UN Headquarters in NY on September 30th, a photo exhibition that showcase the work of programs supported by Educate A Child was held at the UNESCO Headquarters from October 7th until the 18th – Hall Segur – 7 Place de Fontenoy, Paris.
The launching exhibition - photos by Bahi
The book, which features photos taken by renowned photojournalist Maher Attar, captures the inspiring and sometimes harrowing journeys of children from ten countries, in pursuit of education.
Challenges and Reality was commissioned by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Founder of Education Above All and was inspired by UNESCO’s The Cradle of Inequality, released over a decade ago. It featured the work of photographer Sebastio Salgado and writer/poet Cristovam Buarque. Photos were taken of children in developing countries who were facing barriers to education.
While tremendous progress has been made since The Cradle of Inequality 58 million out of school children worldwide remain without access to quality primary education.
Installation - photos by Maher Attar